"Changing The Way You Feel"

Muscle pain, body stiffness and pain —no matter what line of work you’re in —they’re common reactions to everyday stressors. Soaking in the temperate, bubbling waters of your Cal Spas tub relaxes tense musculature and loosens stiff joints. The Platinum spa offers accelerated spa hydrotherapy that combats everyday aches and pains. In fact, spending a portion of each day in warm waters has been found to have a positive impact on blood flow, which in turn can improve healing time, energy, mood and many other aspects of your life.

Seats 5-6

84″ X 84″ X 40.5″


 60 Jets

Seats 6-7

84″ X 84″ X 40.5″ 


 60 Jets

Seats 5-6

84″ X 84″ X 40.5″


92 Jets

Seats 6-7

84″ X 84″ X 40.5″ 


93 Jets

Seats 5-6

93″ X 93″ X 40.5″ 


 60 Jets

Seats 6-7

93″ X 93″ X 40.5″ 


 60 Jets

Seats 5-6

93″ X 93″ X 40.5″ 


94 Jets

Seats 6-7

93″ X 93″ X 40.5″ 


93 Jets